Thursday, January 10, 2013

What is Confidence?

What is confidence? Is it the feeling of being better than others? Is it not being easily influenced by others? Is it not caring about what others think about you? Understanding what is confidence is important because naturally to gain confidence, we must first understand what it is.

According to, confidence is ‘the belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities.’
That is what confidence is, the belief that you are capable of doing something. When you have confidence you believe that you have the ability to perform something successfully.
Exercise # 1:

Close your eyes and think of someone who comes over to you as being a confident person.  This person might be a friend, a relative, a mentor, someone famous perhaps.  Now think what it is about that person that makes them appear so confident.

1.  What does he or she look like?
[Describe their appearance. Do they dress smartly? Hold their head high?  Smile a lot etc]






2.  What does he or she do that makes them appear confident?
[Do they appear to know what they're talking about?  Do others like them a lot?]






3.   What has he or she achieved?
[Is the person successful in some way?]








4.  List 5 of your achievements [no matter how small]








5. List 5 things you do well








6.  List 5 encouraging things that people say about you








7.  List 3 future goals








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